Mother of Danjana
The best thing about therapy “is the results we are hearing. Also the way games are incorporated in the therapy [She] loves it when you play games with her that requires some physical movement or games on the floor and also memory games.”
Mother of Danjana
Mother of Daniel
“The best thing about therapy is the professional input and guidance, and the practical explanations and exercises to improve Daniel’s speech.”
Mother of Daniel
Mother of Corey
Kirstie “makes it fun for Corey” and he feels“so comfortable.”
Mother of Corey
Mother of Jemima
“Jemima loves the attention and encouragement when she ‘fixes’ words up.”
Mother of Jemima
Mother of Zac
“The best thing is making it fun with games. Kirstie is great with Zac and he enjoys coming. Interaction is also great.”
Mother of Zac
Mother of Cara-Jane
“Interaction with games and computer. How it is all easy to come home and follow up with everyone. My child loves it when she first walks into the room, her face lights up when she sees what is set up for her.”
Mother of Cara-Jane
Parent of Cameron
“Cameron learning to say and hear the correct pronunciation of certain words. The learning is incorporated with the playing of games.”
Parent of Cameron
Parent of Romeo and Asha
“Seeing them succeed and be understood better in everyday life by those they come into contact with (outside the immediate family).”
Parent of Romeo and Asha
Mother of James
“There has been obvious improvement. He enjoys it. Things are explained (to me). He enjoys coming. I think he enjoys that it’s fun and positive.”
Mother of James
Mother of Graham
“Seeing my son make progress! Hearing my son speaking clearly and being understood by people other than family.”
Mother of Graham
Mother of Sofia
“Sofia gained confidence in herself and her abilities. We are noticing an improvement after only a short time.”
Mother of Sofia
Mother of Angus
"We can see positive changes in his speech and a follow on into his behaviour.”
Mother of Angus
Mother of Daniel
“The best thing about therapy is the professional input and guidance along with the practical explanations and exercises. Daniel loved it when he could hear the progress he was making and the constant positive and constructive feedback he was receiving.”
Mother of Daniel
Mother of Milan
“The therapy is done in a friendly and fun way so it feels less like work. Games are involved and practice at home can be done by games either as a board game or a computer.”
Mother of Milan