
Learn To Speak More Smoothly

Stuttering or Stammering in Adolescents

If your adolescent has difficulty speaking smoothly, repeating sounds, or hesitating on certain words or syllables, they may have a stuttering issue. While periods of disfluency can be normal during early speech development, persistent stuttering can impact communication and confidence during adolescence.

Common signs of stuttering include:

  • Repeating sounds or syllables, such as “li-li-like.”

  • Prolonging sounds, like “sssssee.”

  • Complete stoppages in speech.

At Voice Culture, we provide tailored strategies to help adolescents manage stuttering, improve speech fluency, and build confidence.

Book a Consultation
To schedule an initial assessment or a 15-minute phone consultation with one of our therapists, click the “Schedule Appointment” button below.